I got a shopping site! Oh how I love online shopping!
I hate trying to find a parking sopt, and then 15 minutes later you're inside and people are rude, and gross. Or you cant find what you want, becuase they have moved the store around again for the 17th time. You totally know what I'm talking about.
And you especcially know how I feel if you have a young kid in the cart with you.
I always feel so much pressure. Its like a ticking time bomb, before they run out of patience with you as your trying to navigate the crowds and find that last thing on your list.
I met a lady who told me that she never goes out to holiday shop anymore. She does everything online, all her family gifts come from the online stores.
Last year, I went out to shop for the holiday extravaganza and most of the time I couldnt find what I wanted to get. So I vowed to shop online for the holidays too. She was a smart woman who told me that.
Shopping online is so convienent. Im so glad that CTMH let us sign up for a MyCTMH shopping site.
They have big plans for all us consultants regarding shopping sites. Which I am very excited about.
All consultants will have a FREE shopping site. Even Jr. Consultants. and its FREE!
That's my favorite price, ya know!
Please stop by my new shopping site! Check out the My Art section for a little surprise!
Do a little (or Alot) shopping without the annoying parking and rude people.
If you ever have any questions, Im happy to help.